It’s been quite a journey just getting to this point. I’ve been at this, on and off, for several months now. In reality, my journey with this started back in 2017 when I read the book, “The Laptop Millionaire.”
There are so many moving parts here, such as Google Analytics, SEO, backlinks, domains, domain auctions, domain arbitrage, Affiliate Marketing, the necessity of building email lists and for email marketing, personal websites, e-commerce websites, drop shipping, directing paid and unpaid traffic to goods, services and information, social media and marketing, Google AdWords versus Adsense, keyword research, ads for Google, Facebook, Etsy, Amazon, Blogging, YouTube videos, Podcasting, and probably hundreds of others. It’s been a little overwhelming trying to get it all figured out.
My objectives here are basically to experiment with and build what I expect will eventually become an engine of its own accord, a colorful palette of content creation that I expect will provide a degree of value to the world at large. It will also provide me with a much needed reprieve from my own world as a truck driver by day, one who has made his living exchanging hours for money.
As I am 55 years old, discussing issues relevant to those who are 50 years and older will also play a very significant role in this blog. Some of the topics that I will be exploring include the Internet, ways to implement the Internet to make money, starting a business, entry into investing, common investment vehicles, determining where you are financially versus where you want to go, different types of insurance, Power of Attorney, Estate Planning, Wills, Probate and Trusts. Next, I will be discussing topics such as taking responsibility for health such as diet, juicing, exercise, and if you smoke. Then, there are the issues that one could face as an elderly person like if one will be living at home, versus assisted care or facility care, how these expenses can have a stringent impact on finances, and why one should prepare for these potential outcomes. Then, I will explore funerals and making funeral (or cremation) arrangements. Finally, I will touch on points involved in locating and retaining the appropriate sets of qualified business, real estate, investing, and finance professionals, and lawyers, who can assist in getting it all put together.
I hope to assemble (and blog about) the insights I’ve begun to acquire since first reading that book and the subsequent progression of ideas that have built, one on top of another, since introducing me to the concepts of passive income and the Internet. That initial set of insights has slowly expanded to include a broader array of topics, all meaningful in the context of preparing for retirement. I will also compare and contrast what I’ve learned across 40 years of working for any company, none of which I have ever owned, against the ideas of implementing the Internet to create a product with a potential audience of millions (even billions) of people, as well as concepts of entrepreneurship. I don’t claim expertise in a number of these topics. I have been, however, doing my own research and trying to answer what were originally my own questions. That’s how this body of information came into being. My original idea was to make a guide for myself, but that has become this. Since I’ve not yet been able to maneuver myself into a position of capitalizing on my life circumstances and using them to propel me forward, I’ve decided to try to create something that I do own, something tangible in its own right, at least within the realm of ideas, an asset, which I hope will create value for whoever reads my words. I hope it will assist them in generating ideas that they (you) can use in their own search for any degree of financial security.
If you’d like to be kept abreast of information from this site from time to time, please take a minute and let me know you’re interested by filling out the form you see posted here. I won’t email often and your information is quite secure, but it’ll let me know you’re as interested in those types of topics that would normally concern someone who is in their 50’s and beyond as I am. The topics that will be covered in this blog will typically be inter-related in different ways to retirement, doing personal check-ups to insure that we’re doing what we ought to, personally, financially, in health maintenance, and so forth. Items of daily interest to me also include everyday activities such as light exercise, light running, aerobics, juicing, and healthy eating. I’d love to keep in touch with like-minded persons and participate in a healthy exchange of ideas. Maybe we can learn from each other. Thanks.
“We all have one precious resource, the most important resource of all, and once it’s gone, there’s no way of getting it back. That resource is time. The reality is that on a salary, you can only really be a millionaire at an old age by living frugally and most of that precious resource known as time slipped through your fingers. You traded all that time for money, and it wasn’t even a substantial amount either.” THE UNTOLD TRUTH ABOUT MONEY -Quoted: James Jani-

My name is Steven Foltz and this is my first official post. Welcome to my blog.